[CES2025]Digital Health "Technology that improves the quality of human life" Explore(디지털헬스 "인간의 삶의 질을 높이는 기술" 탐구)

  • 디지털헬스는 이번 CES의 공식 메인 테마3개(AI, 모빌리티, 디지털헬스) 중 하나로서, 비침습적 건강모니터링, 맞춤형의료서비스, 정신건강관리기술분야에서의 눈에띄는 발전을 확인할 수  있을전망
  • 개인건강관리에 초점을 맞춘 디지털 헬스 트래커, AI 활용 맞춤형 웰니스 솔루션, 가상현실을 이용한 정신건강 관련기기들과 인간이 수명을 연장하고 삶의 질을 높이는 장수기술 등이  전시될 예정임
  • 브라이언코미스키미국소비자기술협회(CTA) 수석디렉터는기술분야핵심테마중하나로‘장수’를꼽았으며, 기술적진보로더오래건강한삶을살수있음을강조

  • 기술의발전은‘공동체’형성에기여하는한편개인적차원에서는‘장수’로연결되며, 전문적인진료를집에서도받을수있는원격진료, 그리고AI와의료기기를통합한맞춤형의료솔루션이등장했음을언급
  • 의료분야AI 도입은 진단 정확도를 높이고치료접근성을 향상하는등 환자의 삶의질개선에 크게 기여할 것으로 기대받고있음.
  • AI와빅데이터가결합하여개인별특성을고려한초정밀의료서비스가가능해지고있으며, AI와IoT 기술이결합하며‘예측형헬스케어’ 시스템을구축하고있음
  • 질병이발생한후치료보다는발병전예방을중심으로한‘예측형헬스케어’로의패러다임전환이이루어지고   있음을확인할수있음
  • 24/7건강모니터링이가능해지면서, 지속적인건강관리가가능해졌으며 질병으로의진행을막아의료비용이획기적으로절감됨
  • 스마트워치를통해서심방세동을조기에감지하고관리해뇌졸중및심부전과같은합병증을낮출수있음

Digital health is one of three official CES themes (AI, Mobility, and Digital Health) and will showcase notable advancements in non-invasive health monitoring, personalized healthcare, and mental healthcare technologies.

  • Exhibits will include digital health trackers focused on personalized health management, personalized wellness solutions using AI, mental health devices using virtual reality, and longevity technologies that extend human lifespan and improve quality of life.
  • Brian Komisky, senior director of the U.S. Consumer Technology Association (CTA), chose "longevity" as one of the key themes for the tech sector, emphasizing that technological advances are enabling people to live longer, healthier lives.
  • Advancements in technology contribute to the creation of "community" and lead to "longevity" on an individual level, with the emergence of telemedicine, which allows people to receive specialized care at home, and personalized healthcare solutions that integrate medical devices with AI.
  • The adoption of AI in healthcare is expected to significantly contribute to improving the quality of life of patients by increasing diagnostic accuracy and improving access to treatment.
  • AI and big data are combining to enable ultra-precise healthcare services that take into account individual characteristics, and AI and IoT technologies are combining to create a system of 'predictive healthcare'.
  • The paradigm shift to 'predictive healthcare' centered on prevention rather than treatment after a disease has occurred is underway.
  • With 24/7 health monitoring, continuous healthcare is possible and healthcare costs are reduced by preventing the progression to disease.
  • Atrial fibrillation can be detected and managed early through smartwatches to reduce complications such as stroke and heart failure

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