Elevance Health’s Gail Boudreaux to Keynote CES 2024
전미소비자기술협회(CTA)®는 오늘 엘리밴스 헬스(Elevance Health 사장 겸 CEO인 게일 K. 부드로(Gail K. Boudreaux)가 기조 세션의 좌장을 맡아 회사가 혁신적인 전체 건강 관리 접근 방식을 구현하는 방법을 논의할 예정이라고 발표했다. 이 세션은 CES 2024®에서 다시 열리는 디지털 헬스 서밋을 보완하며, 미국 및 그 밖의 지역의 의료 전망에 초점을 맞출 예정이다.
<포춘>이 선정한 '비즈니스 분야에서 가장 영향력 있는 여성 100인' 중 한 명인 부드로(Boudreaux)는 Elevance Health에서 조직을 전통적인 의료 혜택 회사에서 삶과 지역사회를 개선하고 의료 서비스를 간소화하며 소비자와의 신뢰를 구축하기 위해 평생 신뢰할 수 있는 의료 파트너로 전환하는 데 주력하고 있다.
수십억 달러 규모의 비즈니스를 확장하는 데 탁월한 능력을 발휘하는 것으로 알려진 부드로(Boudreaux)는 30년 이상의 의료 업계 경험을 활용하여 미국 최대 의료 회사 중 하나인 에반스 헬스(Elevance Health(Anthem, Wellpoint 및 Carelon 브랜드 포함)를 이끌고 있다.
게리 샤피로(Gary Shapiro) CTA 사장 겸 CEO는 "혁신은 특히 의료 분야에서 발전의 핵심이며, 디지털 기술을 활용해 의료 서비스를 보다 능동적이고 예측 가능하며 개인화하기 위한 엘리밴스 헬스의 여정은 혁신적이었다"고 평가했다. 그는 "CES 2024는 이 중요한 산업의 미래를 형성할 획기적인 아이디어와 기술을 위한 촉매제가 될 것"이라고 말했다.
한편, CES2024에서는 디지털 헬스 서밋이 다시 돌아온다. 이 서밋에는 디지털 헬스 분야의 업계 판도를 바꾸는 사람, 투자자 및 정책 입안자들과 AI, 게임, 스마트 홈과 같은 보완 산업이 한자리에 모이는 12개 이상의 세션이 포함된다.

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® today announced Gail K. Boudreaux, president and CEO of Elevance Health, will headline a keynote session to discuss how the company is implementing an innovative whole-health approach to care. It complements the Digital Health Summit®, which returns to CES 2024®, and will focus on the outlook for health care in the U.S. and beyond.
One of Fortune’s 100 Most Powerful Women in Business, Boudreaux’s work at Elevance Health focuses on transforming the organization from a traditional health benefits company into a lifetime trusted health partner committed to improving lives and communities, simplifying health care, and building trust with consumers. Regarded for her ability to scale multi-billion-dollar businesses, Boudreaux leverages more than three decades of health care industry experience to helm Elevance Health (including the Anthem, Wellpoint and Carelon brands), one of America’s largest health care companies.
“Innovation is at the heart of progress, especially in health care, and Elevance Health’s journey in leveraging digital technologies to make health care more proactive, predictive and personalized has been transformational,” said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO, CTA. “CES 2024 will be a catalyst for groundbreaking ideas and technologies that will shape the future of this vital industry.”
“Our whole-health approach is about simplifying health care and building trust with customers,” said Boudreaux. “Digitally enabled health care means building digital technologies into the fabric of our ecosystem to improve outcomes and enhance efficiency in day-to-day health and wellness.”
Digital Health Summit. The highly anticipated Digital Health Summit returns as part of an ALL ON CES 2024. The Summit includes more than a dozen sessions where industry gamechangers, investors and policymakers from the digital health sector and complementary industries like AI, gaming and smart home will converge.
Digital Health on the Show Floor. CES 2024 is quickly filling with a diverse array of health technology companies from across industry. This year, CES brings together a dynamic ecosystem of payers, providers, manufacturers and health systems, creating a unique platform for the exchange of ideas and innovations that will shape the future of health care.
Intelligent Health Pavilion. CES will host the Intelligent Health Pavilion (IHP) at CES, providing demonstrations of the latest transformative technologies and integrated health and wellness use cases in a simulated clinical/medical setting.
Digital Health Lounge. A networking hub for health professionals to connect with health companies from biotech to device manufacturers.
Digital Health Mixer. CTA will host a social mixer with the digital health community and industry leaders from across CES, as well as health-focused media attending the show. Last year’s event drew more than 300 attendees from across the global digital health ecosystem.
At CES 2023, more than 14,000 industry attendees from 57 countries listed Digital Health as one of their business interests. CES 2024, the world's most powerful technology show, will continue this convergence and foster meaningful discussions and collaborations that can bring about transformative change in the health care industry.